Negotiating Intelligently
The old school approach to solving negotiation problems is to either impose tight centralized corporate constraints or to send the sales force to tactical negotiation training.
These training courses obviously don't meet the mark because heads of sales organizations keep sending their troops back for more training!
A new and more analytical approach involves bringing together all stakeholders to:
- define a common goal or negotiation strategy linked to sales strategy
- agree on a common negotiation process or approach integrated with sales process
- coach and measure both strategy use and process implementation
- measure results
Most companies have a defined sales strategy and process, but fall short in the area of negotiation, using an implied or merely reactive approach to negotiation strategy and process.
Simply put:
- where do you want to go (strategy) and
- how are you going to get there? (process)
Find out more on building a negotiation strategy and process by requesting our white paper. It's simple, just complete the form to the right and we'll send it to your email address right now!